Sustainable Local Food Economy

This is one of Food Exeter’s three overarching areas of work. We want to see a significant increase in the production of local, sustainably grown food – food that is good for people and for our environment. A strong, local food economy will provide economic resilience, improve work and volunteering opportunities in a low carbon Devon, and enable and encourage people to eat more healthily. It should be a plank of post-covid recovery.

Current methods of food production are entirely unsustainable. They are causing serious damage to our soils, rivers, and wildlife, raising animals in conditions that many regard as inadequate for their welfare, and is entirely incompatible with a low carbon future.

More on sustainable local food economy work:

  • Developing an innovative Exeter Local Organic Food Hub
  • Working to get more markets and street trading that showcase local food in Exeter
  • Exploring the possibility of mini-markets hosted by local community groups or schools
  • Creating support for a permanent ‘modern marketplace’ in the city centre

View / Download “Exeter Local Organic Food Hub Prospectus”

More Information

More about the circular economy…

Article about the impacts of food procurement on climate change…